Raise The Bar / Surprise / Do sh*t you’re told you “can’t"

Raise The Bar / Surprise / Do sh*t you’re told you “can’t"

Alright, a lot of TV got watched last year!

The 2020 shows that raised the bar / surprised me / did sh*t we’re told we can’t, are the ones I want to share with you.

Because these shows mean your Authentic Lens has a place in the world.

Here we go!

Warning: The below definitely contains spoilers!


Raised the bar: Dead guy love story, murder mystery played out in multiple dimensions, comedic noir interwoven with action movie stakes.

Surprising: I didn’t see dead guy sticking around as the love interest. Didn’t see the reveal of CIA agent, or predict Assassin turning friend, OR that a goofy booty-call dude was more than that. It consistently subverted expectations.

Did sh*t we’re told we can’t: Alcoholic gets sober story’s been done too much? Nope. Dead ghost love story is only for Hallmark? Also, nope. Can’t write a pilot set in multiple countries and move between them? Yes, you can.


Raised the bar: Episode to episode structure feels completely organic and without formula. Like Fleabag and Russian Doll, IMDY is a break from traditional 1/2 hr storytelling.

Surprising: The story you think you’re watching in the pilot is not the story that ends up mattering or being told.

Did sh*t we’re told we can’t: Can’t write a show about a writer? Yes, you can. If you do write about a writer, having their “writing deadline” create your pilot structure is really played out. Apparently not.

UPLOAD (1/2 hr, AMAZON) Thank you to my client who recommended this totally enjoyable half hour!

Raised the bar: What could have been a goofy sci-fi premise ends up being a story about connection, loss, and love.

Surprising: The twist that ended the Season and made Season 2 an inevitability was exactly what I ask myself whenever I hit a wall, “What’s the worst thing that can happen to this character?” Then you write that.

Did sh*t we’re told we can’t: This show is more “traditional” once you get past the newest thing about it — UPLOAD operates in the real world and hereafter simultaneously. Very few TV shows do. It’s more common in features, but even then, usually one is confined to a small part of the story.

I hope these picks inspire you to watch them if you haven't.

And I hope you see their Authentic Lenses as the new bar that's been set.

How can you raise it?

By using ALL OF YOU.

And then playing with possibilities for MORE.

Ready to do that?



Note: only 1 spot left !!

Hope to see you there!



Lisa Ebersole